Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

Listening : Dimetrodon



First, you have to listen to this audio carefully then answer the question below, if it is necessary you may repeat the audio.

Listening source: Majalah Fun, edisi 09, Tahun X

Answer these questions!

1. When did Dimetrodon live?

     a. during Devonian Period

     b. during Permian Period

     c. during Carboniforous Period

     d. during Cambrian Period

2. How long was Dimetrodon?

    a. it was 2 m long

    b. it was 2.5 m long

   c. it was 3 m long

   d. it was 3.5 m long

3. Where did Dimetrodon live?

     a. in Europe and North England

     b. in North America and China

     c. in Europe and North America

     d. in Europe and Indonesia

4. ‘Sail’ is ….

      a. perahu

      b. layar

      c. kapal

      d. kain

5. ‘Spine’ is ….

     a. daging

     b. cakar

     c. duri

     d. makanan


God Bless.

Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

Present Tense & Past Tense


  • Read and Pronounce the verbs at the table as follow:

present tense



God Bless!

1. School Vocabulary


Noun (kata benda) – 1:

1. Papan tulis (putih) = a white board

2. Papan tulis (hitam) = a blackboard

3. Rautan = a sharpener

4. Busur = a protractor

5. Jangka = a compass

6. Kapur tulis = a chalk

7. Penghapus = a duster

8. Penghapus pensil (setip) = an eraser

9. Kotak pensil = a pencil case

10. Penggaris segitiga = a set-square



Noun (kata benda) – 2:

1. Celana pendek = a shorts

2. Rok = a skirt

3. Celana panjang =  a trousers

4. Kemeja = a shirt

5. Seragam (sekolah) = a (school) uniform

6. Dasi = a necktie

7. Dompet laki-laki = a wallet

8. Dompet perempuan = a purse

9. Kerah baju = a collar

10. Lengan baju = a sleeve



God Bless!

Past tense